Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Having that support

One thing that really keeps me motivated is having a workout partner. At work, I have my friend Kadedra. At home, I have Adam. It's been great! I am just getting into the weight lifting and having Kadedra there to get me through some of the exercises has been great--- because otherwise I would feel like a complete crazy.

Today I felt like everything was in slow motion, we are just getting the hang of these exercises and using weights, but I know it will get easier. Or -- should I say harder?

I am using the plan given to me by bodybuilding.com and so far I am really liking it. You can customize plans to what your goals are and what your level is with weights.

Today we completed:

  • Barbell Dead-lifts 2*20
  • Underhand Cable Pull-downs 2*24
  • One leg barbell squat 2*24
  • Standing dumbbell press 2*24
  • Plank (60 seconds)
  • Treadmill - walking 20 minutes

Tonight I will head to the gym with Adam for our nightly gym time. I am probably going to bike and do the treadmill. I somehow tweeked my hip on the right side and its been bugging me today. I don't want to push it too much.

Two-a-days are now in full force and I hope to keep this going as much as possible!

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