Wednesday, February 4, 2015

It fits!

A year ago, even a few months ago, I had a suit jacket that didn't fit. I couldn't even button it -- as much as I wanted it to -- and then today I tried it on and it buttoned.

I ran into our other bathroom to snap this picture. It was a proud moment on this journey. 

I decided to snap a picture of me today, since I haven't taken any good "selfies" in a while. I am mostly busy taking pictures of Adam or the girls or dogs. However, after trying to find a more recent picture of myself for a transformation picture, I realized I didn't have any that showed what I look like now at my current weight. So .. there ya go!

Today, is the first day Ive felt normal since eating at Joe T's on Sunday for our cheat meal and celebration dinner with our friends. I've literally felt gross and bloated ever since. My stomach was NOT happy with my eating decisions. So, its back to the game this week of eating like I usually do, drinking water, and hoping to go back to normal. I don't think I'll have another cheat meal or dinner like that in a long time. It was an awful feelings.

I've been doing two-a-days this week and decided to skip my lunch workout since I have an important meeting today and I didn't want to look like I just came from the gym. So, tonight I plan to do cardio (running) and I have an ab workout picked out. Wish me luck, because most of this will be done utilizing mats and gym equipment and we all know how I feel about that. (I can do it! right? No shame.)

Wednesday is run-day for me!

Happy Hump Day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. I found your blog through myfitnesspal. Your journey is an inspiration. I have 3 children, all older and I am about to be 38. I can't keep playing the weight game. Good luck to you I look forward to,following your journey.

