Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Transformation Tuesday

Today is transformation Tuesday and I thought I post on the transformation that has taken place over the past year.

My journey began in 2011 after I had Leah when I lost 50 pounds and then 60 pounds total. Then I got pregnant and gained weight and had a "new" journey to venture on. So, in February of last year, when Hannah was 3 months old I set out to lose the baby weight again. But, not just the baby weight, I wanted to really change my body.

This past year I was faced with so many challenges and it was a true battle -- but I was able to lose (as of today) 44 pounds total.

Here is my husband and I a year ago -- almost exact -- on a date.

I am 44 pounds lighter now than I was in that picture and Adam is 18 pounds lighter now. He is just at the beginning of his journey (started January 1). So, I know he still has much more planned to go.

This year on January 1, Adam and I went in TOGETHER on this journey. For the past few years it's just been me logging calories, finding low calories and healthy recipes, working out, staying active -- and now THIS year it's both of us.

As I think about my goals this year, it's to live a much more active and healthy lifestyle. To always be aware of my choices, whether it's Taco Bell or Panera Bread. Choosing to eat at HOME instead of eating out all the time. Choosing to go to the gym, go on a walk, or play with the girls at the park instead of sitting at home.

I am trying to incorporate more weigh lifting, which has been a huge goal to take on. I am still at the beginning stages and hope to become more comfortable as the year goes on and I hope to see a transformation in my body (hello muscles!).

What is your transformation tuesday? How have you transformed or plan to transform?

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