Thursday, February 12, 2015

Pushing on

I've been sore since I did INSANITY on Tuesday. I'm probably not drinking enough water and I had planned to get in a lunch workout today, but I need to run a few valentines day errands since we have the floor guy coming tonight.

I'm not sure how long he will be here tonight, but I plan to do some T25. Okay-- I don't plan -- I must do some T25.

It's been hard getting back into things after injuring my hip. I felt so great after INSANITY, and then well -- things got busy like usual.

In honor of Throw Back Thursday, I thought I'd show off some pictures of Adam and I back in the day..

This is one of our engagement pictures in 2008.

Adam getting back from his first of two deployments to Iraq.

( I remember in the picture how nervous I was to hug him and now looking at it I can see it too. It always took a day to adjust seeing him again after 15 months!)

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