Monday, March 2, 2015

Mommy Struggles is more like it

If it's not one thing it's another. Last week I didn't work out once, not ONCE. I ate like poop and I know I've gained a pound or two. It sucks.

We had a huge ice storm come in and things were shut down Monday and Tuesday, my gyms included. Then Leah got an eye infection, my mom got the flu, Hannah got pink eye and I had a massive allergic reaction to the antibiotic I was on. Oh and another ice storm came in and shut things down Friday and Saturday.

I was in urgent care yesterday and getting my reaction sorted out. I'm feeling okay today, but not recovered by any means. I am hoping we can make it to the gym tonight and I can at least get some cardio in. But, as of right now it's doubtful.

Bummed is the least I can say.

However, I know this isn't the end, this just a bump in my journey. I had several of these before and I know I will have several more this time.

This is what my entire body looked like at urgent care.

I woke up like this with a swollen face and my body was on fire.

I decided to finally go in where they wanted to rush me to the ER, but I opted to do some treatments there. I'm doing okay, but my body is still covered in this rash. It's called Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and I reacted to my antibiotic I was on for my Sinus infection.

Life is crazy right now to say the least and I am really hoping it gets going again where working out can be included in my routine again. Until then, it's taking it day by day and focuses on making the best eating decisions I can.

I will end on a positive note that I weighed 138 at the doctor's office yesterday with my shoes and clothes on. I'm happy with that. 

I'll be starting in on weigh-in Wednesday's, so I'll see you all on Wednesday!

I hope you all have a wonderful week :)

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