Friday, March 6, 2015

I want do, I promise I do.

This drug eruption has been the biggest ERUPTION to my fitness goals this year. I am totally off track with work outs. Havent worked out in 2 weeks and I don't plan on until maybe at the end of next week or when I'm healed up 100%. Which I am still not by the way.

Eating hasn't gone completley out the window, but it's pretty darn close. I put myself into maintance mode on MFP, because at this point I don't want to loose anymore weight (I mean it wouldn't hurt a pound or two) but I am pretty comfortable in my 135-138 zone. Should I be? Probably not.

With the maintance mode, they have me at 1630 calories a day, which feels like alot to me! I've just been waking up feeling like blah -- but then again I haven't been eating well at all.


Nothing good at all.

My plan is this going forward starting Spring break 2015:

1. Sunday, grocery shopping and meal prepping for the entire week. I don't want any excuses of " no-food" for us to end up eating out.

2. I'm not ready to hit the gym, yet. But I plan to get out and walk with the girls every day during Spring break. Weather should be nice, so no excuses there.

Not huge things, but two things that I hope will kick-start or re-boot this fitness plan back into gear. I am also praying, hoping and wishing that by the end of next week my "dots" are gone and I can resume workouts as normal.

Running ...

I've had the desire to run now for weeks. I guess with the weather getting nice, I've wanted to get into running.

Maybe I can get into C25 too...

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