Monday, February 2, 2015

Oh Turbo Kick

Saturday I tried Turbo Kick for the first time.

The class started out with 29 women and 1 man. About 2 minutes in -- I knew I was in trouble.

She warmed us up, which I couldn't believe was only a warm up, and told us if it was our first time that we would probably be swatting at flies. Oh yes.. I was swatting as just about everything. Kicking too. She would show us what the moves would be and then the music would start and chaos would break out. People punching here, there, kicking, sweating, huffing and puffing. I just tried to keep up for the most part -- pretty sure my form wasn't even close to what it need to be..

Break 1: I got some water and looked down to see I had already burned a pretty big number of calories and was sweating like crazy. Which is great because it takes a lot for me to sweat. 

I noticed that about 5 people had left at that break.

Next round was just as crazy and we had to "shake what our mama's gave us" which really was me just shaking the loose skin on my love handles because this mama doesn't have much junk in trunk to be shaking.

Did I mention the lights were off and a disco ball was going?! I'm telling ya.

Several punches into thin air and jumping we were done and now it was break #2.

5 or so more people left.

Round 3 was a little easier for me and I felt like it went okay, but gee -- I had no idea how hard Turbo Kick was.

Looked down at my watch to see I was already up to 400 calories burned.

The last round and cool down were nothing of a cool down, more punches and kicks and then ab work on mats. I was dying. Sweating and dying.

Before I knew it the lights came back on, my eyes readjusted and I saw we had about 15 people in the room left (maybe that's why they keep the lights off...)

 I had survived. I was a sweaty mess and had burned 605 calories

This instructor does this class every Saturday so I may try to make it a thing for me. As hard as it was, I know it was my first time with Turbo Kick, so I have to keep going to get better at it. I have plans for next Saturday already, but the following Saturday, Turbo Kick and I have a date!

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