Friday, March 6, 2015

I want do, I promise I do.

This drug eruption has been the biggest ERUPTION to my fitness goals this year. I am totally off track with work outs. Havent worked out in 2 weeks and I don't plan on until maybe at the end of next week or when I'm healed up 100%. Which I am still not by the way.

Eating hasn't gone completley out the window, but it's pretty darn close. I put myself into maintance mode on MFP, because at this point I don't want to loose anymore weight (I mean it wouldn't hurt a pound or two) but I am pretty comfortable in my 135-138 zone. Should I be? Probably not.

With the maintance mode, they have me at 1630 calories a day, which feels like alot to me! I've just been waking up feeling like blah -- but then again I haven't been eating well at all.


Nothing good at all.

My plan is this going forward starting Spring break 2015:

1. Sunday, grocery shopping and meal prepping for the entire week. I don't want any excuses of " no-food" for us to end up eating out.

2. I'm not ready to hit the gym, yet. But I plan to get out and walk with the girls every day during Spring break. Weather should be nice, so no excuses there.

Not huge things, but two things that I hope will kick-start or re-boot this fitness plan back into gear. I am also praying, hoping and wishing that by the end of next week my "dots" are gone and I can resume workouts as normal.

Running ...

I've had the desire to run now for weeks. I guess with the weather getting nice, I've wanted to get into running.

Maybe I can get into C25 too...

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Trip to the ER last night

My face ended up on FIRE yesterday and I felt like my skin was starting to flake away so after a few phone calls and with a push to go from my co-workers and Adam -- I headed to the ER. Even Urgent Care said to go, so I went.

I opted to go where I had Hannah at and I am so glad I went with them. It's just the best hospital out there. No wait, walked right in and was getting blood work before I knew it.

They asked a bunch of questions, looked VERY shocked to see my condition, and said they were glad I came in.

Long story short: I'm having what is called an antibiotic eruption. Essentially its the opposite of an allergic reaction and my body is attacking itself.

I also have another less-severe version of Stevens-Johnson Syndom. I am very blessed that I don't have the worse-end of this because I'd be in a burn victim unit at Parklands right now if I was.

Treatment: I just have to ride it out and make sure my skin doesn't start sloffing away or blisters don't show up. If so, I need to go straight to Parkland Hospital to be treated.

How long will this last? Well it could be another week before my body quits attacking itself. Until then I look spotted, blotchy, red, itchy and my skin goes through cycles of being on fire. (fun times). I need to stay away from heat (heat in the car, hot showers, hot baths, heat from my phone and computer and yes working out). Even just now, the computer and phone being on my face (talking to my doctor) made my face start burning up.

I have a fan blowing on me right now.

This sucks, but as much as it sucks and I'm miserable -- I am so lucky it's not something worse. What I did have happen to me is RARE. only 2-3% of people get Steven-Johnson syndrome.

With time, thing should heal. I spoke with my ENT, who prescribed me my antibiotic and I think we are on a halt for all sinus-related treatment until this clears up.

My workouts will be on hold until further notice. Thanks for all the thoughts, well wishes, and prayers. I have really appreciated them! It's also been a blessing knowing we've had so many friends, neighbors and family willing to help us out from watching the girls to giving me medicine.

It's times like this when people's true colors shine.

Shine on,


Monday, March 2, 2015

Mommy Struggles is more like it

If it's not one thing it's another. Last week I didn't work out once, not ONCE. I ate like poop and I know I've gained a pound or two. It sucks.

We had a huge ice storm come in and things were shut down Monday and Tuesday, my gyms included. Then Leah got an eye infection, my mom got the flu, Hannah got pink eye and I had a massive allergic reaction to the antibiotic I was on. Oh and another ice storm came in and shut things down Friday and Saturday.

I was in urgent care yesterday and getting my reaction sorted out. I'm feeling okay today, but not recovered by any means. I am hoping we can make it to the gym tonight and I can at least get some cardio in. But, as of right now it's doubtful.

Bummed is the least I can say.

However, I know this isn't the end, this just a bump in my journey. I had several of these before and I know I will have several more this time.

This is what my entire body looked like at urgent care.

I woke up like this with a swollen face and my body was on fire.

I decided to finally go in where they wanted to rush me to the ER, but I opted to do some treatments there. I'm doing okay, but my body is still covered in this rash. It's called Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and I reacted to my antibiotic I was on for my Sinus infection.

Life is crazy right now to say the least and I am really hoping it gets going again where working out can be included in my routine again. Until then, it's taking it day by day and focuses on making the best eating decisions I can.

I will end on a positive note that I weighed 138 at the doctor's office yesterday with my shoes and clothes on. I'm happy with that. 

I'll be starting in on weigh-in Wednesday's, so I'll see you all on Wednesday!

I hope you all have a wonderful week :)